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How much do I love the sound mix?? Let me count the ways! We recently did the final mix on “The Compass Rose”, the a$%-kicking short film we shot in the vineyard this summer!

I love sound mixing because it means that the hard work of editing, scoring, color, sound… cuts and re-cuts and agony… It’s all over!

You can sit back in a beautiful mixing stage and just watch as the film becomes a complete being.

It’s also not so bad when you’re working with incredibly talented artists like Rick Steele and Dean Okrand and the entire crew at Smart Post Sound. We love you all, thank you!

(And it doesn’t suck that these are the big Hollywood muckety-mucks who mix shows like “Modern Family” and “Sons of Anarchy” — The biggest thrill of the day was Elizabeth given the space of honor next to SOA creator – and Legend – Kurt Sutter!)

The film is almost done, stay tuned!



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