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Elizabeth Dell, the HEAD OF PGA'S TASK FORCE IN CHINA, Makes the Rounds

Two Camels’ Producer, Elizabeth Dell, was recently in China speaking to audiences at Hong Kong Filmart (香港國際影視展) about US-China co-productions and film partnerships.

The first panel was “Making Asian Films in America”, co-sponsored by the Producers Guild of America (PGA) and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

* For those who don’t know – Elizabeth is the Head of the PGA’s China Task Force [美国制片人公会中国事务部部长] – Fancy!

The panel also featured the impressive Stu Levy (Chair of the PGA International Committee), attorney Howard Frumes, producer Jooick Lee, and executive Wendy Reeds of Lionsgate. Superstars!!

Elizabeth was also asked to speak at the US Commerce Department event “China’s Pearl River Delta: Opportunities to Finance U.S. Film Production” It featured US company pitches, a panel discussion, and Guangzhou companies seeking US partnerships. So many great people and connections.

Overall an incredible trip on the other side of the globe. We are so excited to be able to work in US-China film and get to be part of the incredible vibrancy and innovation between these two cultures. Can’t wait to return!

(And they gave her a plaque!)

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